(to the tune of GIVE IT AWAY NOW by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers
         new lyrics by Robert Tinkham)

    What we got - We got transvestite Frank N. Furter
    What we got - We got a monster Rocky Horror
    What we got - We got Riff and Magenta
    We hear you looking for a room for rent, yeah

    What we got - We got guests Brad and Janet
    Brad and Janet - Native to this planet
    This mansion's a spaceship - Frank N. Furter ran it
    Take off your clothes and leave 'em off, dammit

    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Gonna say it fifty times so everybody know how

    What we got - We got delivery boy Eddie
    Delivery boy Eddie - Frank hack him up deadie
    Pop him in the oven and serve him up ready
    Don't be shy - Have another slice of breadie

    What we got - we got monster Rocky Horror
    Frank's creation - the monster Rocky Horror
    Rocky run around like he really shouldn't oughta
    Fell in love with Janet the first time he saw her

    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Don't know why I do but I do so anyhow


    Rocky's all angry - Fired up and fumin'
    Rocky's all angry because he's not human
    He stands real tall and his muscles are loomin'
    Janet stand and watch - Her heart go boomin'

    Riff got a laser - Fires anti-matter
    Anti-matter laser - turns flesh to batter
    Aims it at Columbia and fire it at her
    Rocky fall down and hit the pool with a splatter

    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    Jump to the left, jump to the left, step to the right now
    End of the movie, everybody take a bow

    Step to the right now
    Step to the right now
    Step to the right now
    Step to the right now
